The People's Bank of China said that the new reserve requirement would take effect from Monday. 中国人民银行表示新的存款准备金率将于周一生效。
China's central bank is to cut its bank reserve requirement ratio by one percentage point. 中国央行将把银行存款准备金率下调一个百分点(简称降准)。
Besides the cut, the central bank also slashed the bank reserve requirement ratio in February and April. 除了降息,央行还在二月和四月大幅削减了银行准备金率。
Last month the central bank made its fourth interest rate cut since November and reduced the reserve requirement for commercial banks. 上月,中国央行出台了去年11月以来第四次降息措施,还降低了商业银行的存款准备金率。
And, as we expect to see more monetary easing in the form of at least two more reserve requirement ratio cuts and a further lowering of policy rates, business confidence could continue to improve. 我们预计将看到更多的货币宽松政策,包括至少还有两次下调存款准备金率以及进一步下调政策利率,因此企业信心可能会继续改善。
The reserve requirement had not been cut since 2012. 这是自2012年以来,央行首次下调存款准备金率。
Financial Control and the Selection of the Loan Reserve Requirement 金融控制与贷款准备金政策工具的选择
Increases in the reserve requirement ratio, or the portion of overall deposits banks are required to keep in reserve at the central bank, have been more frequent than interest rate rises and had more of an effect on profitability, analysts said. 分析人士称,提高存款准备金率(即银行需要将存款总额中的一部分储蓄在央行)的措施比加息更为频繁,对银行的盈利能力影响也更大。
We expect additional reserve requirement hikes and another 100 basis points of rate hikes this year. 我们预计,今年央行将继续上调准备金率,并加息100个基点。
As well as raising interest rates, the central bank has lifted seven times this year the amount that banks must hold with it-the so-called reserve requirement ratio. 除上调利率以外,中国央行今年还7次调高了银行存款准备金率。
And while inflows are relatively easy to manage through conventional policy tools such as open market operations or changes to the reserve requirement ratio, sudden outflows would be more problematic, Mr Kurtz said. 库尔茨表示,尽管通过公开市场操作或调整银行准备金率等传统工具管理流入资本相对容易,但资本突然外流将是个棘手得多的问题。
Reformation of Reserve Requirement System in China in Virtue of Monetary Policy Implementation in Mexico 墨西哥货币政策操作对我国准备金制度改革的启示
The reserve requirement ratio, for example, is specifically designed to control lending growth. 譬如,上调存款准备金率,其确切目的是控制贷款增长。
Reserve requirement ratio is the percentage of bank reserves to the total of deposits and notes. 存款准备金率就是存款准备金占其存款总额的比例。
This year already, authorities have raised the bank reserve requirement twice and increased the required down payment on land purchases. 今年以来,中国官方已两次上调银行存款准备金率,还提高了参与竞拍土地前需缴纳的保证金比例。
Indeed in January he himself imposed a reserve requirement on Israeli banks entering into foreign-exchange derivative transactions with non-residents. 事实上,他本人在1月份的时候就曾下令以色列银行对与非居民进行的外汇衍生品交易实行资本储备制度。
As for monetary policy tools, it impairs the strength of reserve requirement and functions of rediscount policy. 在货币政策工具方面,削弱了存款准备金的效力,降低了再贴现政策的效果。
The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency [ the central bank] has taken steps to reduce domestic liquidity by raising the statutory reserve requirement several times. 萨亚勒补充道:沙特央行已采取措施降低国内流动性,多次提高了法定准备金率。
The bank reserve requirement refers to deposits banks are required to set aside as a reserve, which reduces their lending ability. 银行的存款准备金指的是国家规定,储蓄银行都必须设置的一部分资金,以进行其日常的资金借贷活动。
We believe that tightening in the form of a hike in both deposit and lending interest rates, or yet another hike in the reserve requirement ratio, is imminent. 我们相信,以同时提高存贷款利率或再度提高存款准备金率为形式的紧缩手段即将到来。
However, foreign banks operating in the United States did not provide such information on their offshore operations and were assessed the eurodollar reserve requirement on a less inclusive base. 但是,在美国经营的国外银行没有提供这样的关于其境外运作的信息,因此在没那么全面的基础上评估其欧元准备金要求。
These included hikes in the lending rates and banks reserve requirement ratio. 这些措施包括提高贷款利率和存款准备金率。
The increase to reserve requirement ratio by the People's Bank of China is the sixth this year. 这次中国人民银行上调存款准备金率,是今年第六次。
Now the reserve requirement is progressive. 现在这个法定准备金率是逐步上升的。
Then, in the first use of one of the three key instruments since December 2008 ( the others are the lending rate and the deposit rate), it raised the reserve requirement ratio. 接着,央行宣布上调存款准备金率,这是自2008年12月以来央行首次动用三大关键政策工具之一(其它两项是贷款利率和存款利率)。